Google’s Birthday Return Gift of Hummingbird Algorithm

27 Sep

Google has started celebrating its 15 years of inception in quite a big way. Recently, Google has introduced a new search engine algorithm called as Hummingbird Algorithm. Interestingly, this step was taken in a silent manner.

Overview of Hummingbird Algorithm

This new search engine algorithm, that was introduced last month, which is itself a mathematical algebraic solution, that searches billions of internet documents to come out with most relevant and close answers to the internet search engine queries. This will help the Google search engine to match with many difficult queries that come from across the world through various smart devices.

The ‘Hummingbird’ algorithm now handles about more than 90% of the Google’s searches. This news event, which also was a celebration of its foundation day was held, interestingly at its foundation place-a garage, where the founders had founded the company about 15 years ago, known as Susan Wojcicki’s Garage in Menlo Park in California.

As reported, Hummingbird, The Google’s latest released algorithm of its search engine is situated in the Mountain View, which was earlier named by Google as “Caffeine”.

The world’s watch on Hummingbird

The world actively watches any changes made by Google regarding its search engine and introduction of any new algorithm, where new websites are listed as per their rankings on the search engine, when a user searches for a particular website or query.

The new search engine format has a knowledge graph , where users can also ask questions with a voice search and get their queries answered in a super fast speed. Amit Singhal, the Google Search chief, said that the changes include a simple and more unified design of the mobile devices.

Also, the Google +  introduced a photo album of its first and original search page.

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Posted by on September 27, 2013 in 2013


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